In 2018 a survey was carried out by the UK Electronics Skills Foundation to ascertain sector skills needs for employers focussed on Compound Semiconductors (CS). As the EPSRC funded Future Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Hub we are keen to fully understand the needs of employers taking part in the Compound Semiconductor manufacturing supply chain, including those applying CS devices in applications. Going forward many of our existing students and research staff will work with and / or work for our partner companies.
It is therefore important that we understand what skills are most in demand by our partners. We hope to gather information to make sure staff directly employed by the Manufacturing Hub have the most useful skills and will also share the information with the EPSRC CS Manufacturing Centre for Doctoral Training and a Cardiff University regional group developing Further and Higher education training for the Compound Semiconductor Industry.
We ask that companies fill in this short survey to provide us with evidence on their staff and training requirements. We understand Covid has presented industry with challenges and brought significant pressure on businesses. Your survey responses will help us recognise some of the specific challenges you face and we would encourage you to detail these in the survey’s free text boxes.
The compiled numerical results of the survey will be shared on our website without attribution to companies or individuals. We are also happy to have individual conversations with companies to discuss requirements they have. All shared survey data will remain anonymous and surveys will be deleted within 3 months and be compliant with GDPR. By clicking on the link and completing the survey you are indicating your consent.