As the EPSRC funded Future Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Hub we are keen to understand the areas of Compound Semiconductor research that are of most interest to our industry partners in the sector, both now and in the future. To support this process, we have developed a short survey and we would be grateful if you could complete it. The insight this provides will help us as we review the Hub’s research and support our future planning.
We also understand Covid has presented industry with challenges and brought significant pressure on businesses. Your survey responses will help us recognise some of the specific challenges you face and we would encourage you to detail these in the survey’s free text boxes. This will help us understand how we can better engage with you and ensure the continued focus of the Hub’s research on manufacturability.
The compiled numerical results of the survey will be shared on our website without attribution to companies or individuals. We are also happy to have individual conversations with companies to discuss requirements they have. All shared survey data will remain anonymous and surveys will be deleted within 3 months and be compliant with GDPR. By clicking on the link and completing the survey you are indicating your consent.