NEW PhD Opportunity: Jan 2018 – Manufacturing VCSELs: growth, fabrication and characterisation
An excellent PhD opportunity has become available via an EPSRC Industrial CASE 2018 studentship with project partners Cardiff University and IQE plc. Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers are required for a large number of applications due to low energy usage, superior beam quality and the potential for very large volume manufacturing. The epitaxy design and the fabrication methodology are substantially different for the varying applications, leading to different requirements for scale-up. The student will experience the entire VCSEL manufacturing process from the structure design, Compound Semiconductor growth, device fabrication, on-wafer testing for quality assurance and an understanding of the underlying physics. The scientific challenges for manufacturing scale-up will be addressed; firstly, the efficient conversion of electrical to optical energy; secondly on VCSELs with very high beam quality and narrow laser linewidth.