About Us

The Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Hub for a Sustainable Future  is 1 of 5 new hubs aiming to address the challenge of commercialising early-stage research within key areas of manufacturing funded by EPSRC and industry and  launched in May 2024.

The CS hub aims to capitalise on the huge opportunity of compound semiconductor manufacturing, as identified in the UK’s national semiconductor strategy. Researchers will develop energy-efficient opto-electronics for use in key emerging technologies such as quantum. We will expand on the environmental benefits of compound semiconductors by creating new devices such as mercury-free ‘night vision’ mid-infrared detector arrays and devices that both communicate and illuminate based on integrated transistors and LEDs.

The CS Hub is led from Cardiff University, with spokes at the University of Cambridge, University of Manchester, University of Sheffield, and University College London. We have >30 industrial partners participating in the CS Hub by providing resources, time and expertise. Existing CS Hub partners can be found at partner organisations.

We also have strong links with colleagues in other Hubs, particularly the Future Advanced Metrology Hub and the Future Photonics Hub. These links support and complement our CS research, and facilitate larger investments for promising, cross-cutting feasibility studies.


Key Principle Investigators

CS Hub Video

The CS Hub has created the following video to highlight not only the range of research that we are currently undertaking, but also our existing industry partnership connections and the mutual benefits for research, translation and exploitation.